Getting Fascinated With Fasting!

Have you ever fasted?

Fasting, the practice of voluntarily abstaining from food or drink for a set period of time, has deep roots in human history, serving various religious, spiritual, and health purposes. Today, scientific research is revealing the extensive health benefits associated with different types of fasting, including intermittent fasting (IF), time-restricted eating, and prolonged fasting. These practices have been shown to positively impact both physical and mental health (find more reading resources at the end of this post!).

In this blog, we’re digging into the benefits of fasting, which include weight loss, improved metabolic health, cellular repair, and enhanced brain function! We're also including sample fasting schedules with liquid intake suggestions and helpful tips to manage stressors during fasting - so make sure to keep reading below.

In order to maximize the fast’s benefits, it’s essential to approach fasting with healthy awareness and proper guidance. Consulting with a certified trainer like Bill DeHoog can help provide you with personalized advice and support, ensuring a safe and effective health & fitness routine and fasting experience tailored to your individual and personal needs.

Let’s jump in together on your journey towards better health and well-being by discovering the power of fasting. Connect with Bill to help guide you through this transformative process!

What’s So Fascinating About Fasting?

Fasting doesn’t just offer fascinating benefits like weight loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced cellular repair - it also boosts brain function, reduces inflammation, improves heart health, and may even aid in cancer prevention & treatment. Additionally, fasting can improve mental health and gut health. Read more in the list below!

Key Benefits of Fasting

  1. Weight Loss and Metabolic Health

    • Fasting can aid in weight loss and improve metabolic health by reducing calorie intake and enhancing insulin sensitivity. Research indicates that intermittent fasting can lead to significant reductions in body weight and fat mass while preserving lean muscle mass.

  2. Cellular Repair and Longevity

    • During fasting, cells initiate autophagy, a process where they remove damaged components and recycle them. This cellular cleanup helps prevent diseases, slows down aging, and extends lifespan.

  3. Improved Brain Function

    • Fasting may boost brain function and protect against neurodegenerative diseases. Studies suggest that fasting enhances the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which supports brain health, learning, and memory.

  4. Reduced Inflammation

    • Fasting has been shown to reduce markers of inflammation, which is a key driver of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

  5. Heart Health

    • Fasting can improve various risk factors for heart disease, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglycerides, and inflammatory markers.

  6. Cancer Prevention and Treatment

    • Some studies indicate that fasting can help prevent cancer and enhance the effectiveness of chemotherapy by protecting normal cells while making cancer cells more susceptible to treatment .

  7. Mental Health and Mood

    • Fasting can positively affect mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. It promotes the release of endorphins, the body's feel-good hormones, which can enhance mood and energy levels .

  8. Gut Health

    • Fasting helps improve gut health by allowing the digestive system to rest and reset. It can enhance the diversity of gut microbiota, which is crucial for overall health and well-being .

So, where do we start? 

Check out these sample fasting schedules!

1. 18-Hour Fast (18:6 Schedule)

Eating Window: 12 PM - 6 PM
Fasting Window: 6 PM - 12 PM the next day


  • 6 PM: Start fasting

  • 6 PM - 10 PM: Drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • 10 PM - 6 AM: Sleep

  • 6 AM - 12 PM: Continue fasting, drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • 12 PM: Break the fast with a balanced meal

Liquid Intake Suggestions:

  • Water: Stay hydrated throughout the fasting period

  • Herbal Tea: Helps with hydration and can be soothing

  • Black Coffee: Can help suppress appetite (avoid adding sugar or cream)

2. 24-Hour Fast (Eat-Stop-Eat Schedule)

Fasting Window: 6 PM - 6 PM the next day


  • 6 PM: Start fasting

  • 6 PM - 10 PM: Drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • 10 PM - 6 AM: Sleep

  • 6 AM - 12 PM: Continue fasting, drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • 12 PM - 6 PM: Continue fasting, stay hydrated

  • 6 PM: Break the fast with a balanced meal

Liquid Intake Suggestions:

  • Water: Regular intake to stay hydrated

  • Herbal Tea: Can be consumed to manage hunger and provide warmth

  • Black Coffee: Helps with appetite control

3. 36-Hour Fast

Fasting Window: 6 PM (Day 1) - 6 AM (Day 3)


  • Day 1: 6 PM: Start fasting

  • Day 1: 6 PM - 10 PM: Drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • Day 1: 10 PM - Day 2: 6 AM: Sleep

  • Day 2: 6 AM - 12 PM: Continue fasting, drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • Day 2: 12 PM - 6 PM: Continue fasting, stay hydrated

  • Day 2: 6 PM - 10 PM: Continue fasting, drink water, herbal tea, or black coffee

  • Day 2: 10 PM - Day 3: 6 AM: Sleep

  • Day 3: 6 AM: Break the fast with a balanced meal

Liquid Intake Suggestions:

  • Water: Essential for hydration, drink regularly

  • Herbal Tea: Aids in hydration and can help with hunger

  • Black Coffee: Suppresses appetite and provides a mild energy boost

Helpful Suggestions for Coping with Stressors While Fasting

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps reduce hunger and keeps you feeling full.

  2. Stay Busy: Engaging in activities can distract you from thinking about food.

  3. Practice Mindfulness: Techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help manage stress and focus the mind away from hunger.

  4. Gentle Exercise: Light physical activity like walking or yoga can boost your mood and energy levels without causing excessive hunger.

  5. Get Enough Sleep: Proper rest is crucial as it helps regulate hunger hormones and reduces stress.

  6. Electrolyte Balance: Consider adding a pinch of salt to your water or drinking electrolyte solutions to maintain electrolyte balance, especially during longer fasts.

  7. Support Network: Join fasting communities or groups online where you can share experiences and get support from others who are fasting.

  8. Positive Affirmations: Remind yourself of the health benefits and your personal goals for fasting.

  9. Herbal Teas: Drinking teas like chamomile, peppermint, or ginger can have soothing effects and help curb hunger.

By following these helpful schedules & tips, you can effectively manage fasting periods and minimize your stress, making the fasting experience much more manageable.

Connect with a Certified Trainer

While fasting can offer numerous fascinating health benefits, it's essential to approach it with awareness and proper guidance. Connecting with a certified trainer like Bill can help provide you with personalized advice and support, ensuring that you fast safely, effectively, and as happily as possible! Bill can also help tailor a fasting regimen that fits your lifestyle and health goals, ensuring you reap the maximum benefits while maintaining balanced nutrition and whole body fitness.

Dive in on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle today! Happy fasting!

Varady, K. A., et al. (2020). Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes.

Tinsley, G. M., & La Bounty, P. M. (2015). Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans.

Mizushima, N., & Komatsu, M. (2011). Autophagy: Renovation of cells and tissues.

Mattson, M. P., et al. (2018). Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes.

Longo, V. D., & Panda, S. (2016). Fasting, circadian rhythms, and time-restricted feeding in healthy lifespan.

Stekovic, S., et al. (2019). Alternate day fasting improves physiological and molecular markers of aging in healthy, non-obese humans.

Safdie, F. M., et al. (2009). Fasting and cancer treatment in humans: A case series report.

Harvie, M., & Howell, A. (2017). Energy restriction and the prevention of breast cancer.

Stenman, L. K., et al. (2014). Probiotic with dietary fiber improves metabolic health.


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