When and How We Should Exercise for Weight Loss!

Have you started noticing changes in your overall physical health and fitness levels, perhaps including lower energy, mobility, and weight gain?

There are many physical signs that indicate it’s a good time to start exercising for weight loss in Brantford, which can vary from person to person - however; there are some common indicators that you might experience. 

Read on below for more insight and find a helpful Exercise Template from Bill below to inspire your next exercise routine!

Weight Gain: Are you accumulating more weight as your age increases? If you've noticed a gradual or significant increase in your body weight lately and your goal is to maintain or lose weight, it’s the perfect time to start or intensify your exercise routine.

Low Energy Levels: Feeling tapped out with less get-up-and-go than you were used to? Feeling constantly fatigued or low in energy could be a sign that your body needs more physical activity. Exercise can help boost your energy levels over time.

Joint Pain: Are you finding more aches, pains, and strains in your joints? Joint pain, especially in weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips, can be exacerbated by excess body weight. Adding a healthy exercise routine with Bill DeHoog, can help strengthen muscles around these joints and alleviate your pain.

Reduced Mobility: Finding yourself staying planted more often? If you've noticed a decrease in your ability to move comfortably or engage in the physical activities you used to enjoy, now is the time to start exercising to regain and maintain your mobility and flexibility!

Poor Muscle Tone: Are you feeling flabbier than you used to, or are looking to improve your muscle tone in general? Loss of muscle mass or poor muscle tone can be a sign that you need to incorporate regular strength training exercises into your fitness routine. Building muscle can help boost your metabolism and support your weight loss efforts as well!

Increased Waist Circumference: Are you noticing you’re adding some weight around the middle? An increase in abdominal fat, often measured by waist circumference, can indicate a higher risk of obesity-related health issues, which can be alleviated by incorporating exercise to help reduce abdominal fat.

Poor Cardiovascular Health: Are you feeling out of breath more often? If you experience shortness of breath, palpitations, or have been diagnosed with conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, regular exercise can and will help improve your cardiovascular health!

Stress and Mood Issues: Finding that life has more highs and lows than before? If you're experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety, or mood swings, a regular exercise routine will release endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce your stress levels.

Sleep Problems: Quality sleep is essential! If you’re experiencing difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep, this can be related to a lack of physical activity. Exercise can promote better sleep quality, leaving you feeling healthier and better rested.

Digestive Issues: Is your diet or eating habits taking more of a toll than before? Regular exercise can help improve digestion and alleviate problems like constipation or bloating.

It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness expert like Bill DeHoog before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or concerns. Connect with Bill today to schedule your free fitness assessment!

Exercise For Weight Loss Should Include Cardio Plus Resistance Training!

Resistance training is the best method for weight loss and Bill DeHoog Whole Body Fitness works with you to first assess your current physical state and then create the perfect fitness plan for your goals.

Most of us know that we should incorporate exercise into our regular routines to maintain and improve our health…however the majority of us simply don’t know where to start!

The most common questions we hear are:

  • Which exercises should I do?

  • How many reps should I do?

  • How much intensity?

  • What’s the ratio of strength to cardio training that I need?

In order to give you some insight into the best beginner routine to get you rolling towards weight loss through exercise, Bill has created the following Exercise Template to guide you through your journey.

Aim to include:

  • Lower body, hip dominant exercises (hamstrings, glutes, lower back)

  • Upper body vertical push (Shoulders and triceps)

  • Upper body vertical pull (Biceps and back)

  • Lower body quad dominant exercise (Quads, hamstrings, glutes)

  • Upper body horizontal push (Chest, front of shoulders, triceps)

  • Upper body horizontal pull (Biceps and back)

  • Cardio (Running, fast walking, cycling, skipping)

Things to Keep In Mind:

Intensity: Start at a certain intensity percentage and work our way up to maximum effort.

Frequency: Aim for 3 strength workouts and 1 cardio workout per week to meet your weight loss goals. 

Exercise selection: Plan to incorporate exercises such as the examples below:

  • Deadlifts

  • Overhead press

  • Lat pulldowns

  • Squats

  • Pushups

  • Seated Rows

Nutrition: 60 to 70% of weight loss comes from nutrition! In order to lose body fat, you’ll need to do strength training which will also increase your metabolism and burn more calories.

High reps or low reps: The reps and the weight are determined by muscle exhaustion. Lower weight equals more reps, and higher weight equals lower reps!

Strength Training: Incorporates activities that make you stronger. You need a muscle contraction between 70 and 80% of maximum to gain strength. Over time, you'll progress to a higher weight/more reps scenario.

It's important to note that while exercise is a valuable component of your weight loss journey, it should be combined with a balanced and healthy diet and nutrition plan for the best results.

Connect with Brantford’s Bill DeHoog Whole Body Fitness to create a safe and effective exercise plan tailored to your specific needs and goals! Get started on your weight loss adventure today!


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