Can Exercise Turn Down the Aging Process?

It sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Simply include physical training in Brantford every 5 days into your regular health routine, and voila - we miraculously turn back time and start the age-reversal process?

Although we weren’t born yesterday…turns out we might actually be able to reverse the clock a little bit.

According to research…the answer is actually YES, we can turn down the aging process!

A study published by the Journal of Cell Metabolism shows that there are indeed significant benefits for those who do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) consistently, which was shown to reverse some signs of age-related decline within cells.

“...those who did high-intensity interval training (HIIT) got the biggest benefit at the cellular level. Younger volunteers experienced a 49% boost in mitochondrial capacity—the cell's ability to take in oxygen and produce energy—while older folks experienced an even more dramatic 69% increase.

Mitochondria and ribosomes are organelles that are important for metabolism and aerobic fitness but tend to deteriorate as people get older. Keeping these structures healthy can reverse some signs of age-related decline within cells, say the researchers.”

  • This Workout Reverses Signs of Aging, According to Science, By Amanda MacMillan


So…first off - How does this happen?

A measurement of ‘aging’ is a measurement of VO2Max, which typically declines with age, starting in your 30’s. We can roughly anticipate seeing a decrease of 10 percent per decade that passes, although with help from physical training through HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)...we now know we can essentially turn back time.

By utilizing a heart rate monitor and conducting a breath-by-rate analysis that records the oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration in the air you inhale and exhale during exercise, we can measure the maximum amount of oxygen your body utilizes during exercise.

The more oxygen you utilize, the fitter you are!

This is a useful indicator of overall health and age-related deterioration and helps us ascertain that we can actually have an effect on our aging process.

Check out these quick HIIT-ing facts:

  • When you do a HIIT workout, you’ll experience a shortness of breath, which is how you’ll improve your VO2max overtime.

  • You’ll also continue to burn calories as you recover your breathing for hours afterwards following the workout, so this is great for weight loss as well!

  • Completing this type of HIIT workout will also improve your strength, and power plus lower blood pressure.

  • These types of workouts are short in duration (<20 minutes), which start slow and gradually build up the intensity.

So, now that we know how we can actually improve cellular health and help turn down the aging process…what are we going to do about it?

We’re going to contact Bill DeHoog, personal fitness trainer in Brantford for exercise samples and templates!

Connect with Bill today - and stay tuned for more great health insight and physical training tips on Bill’s Blog!


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